Creating templates in Notion can improve efficiency and simplify processes for both individuals and businesses. Templates save time and reduce effort by enabling you to create a standard format once and reuse it on all your Notion pages.

For instance, when seeking work, freelancers have to submit tailored proposals to potential clients that highlight why they are the ideal fit for the job.

Now, instead of starting from scratch each time, freelancers can use a rough pitch format that has worked in the past as a starting point. They can then turn the rough text into a Notion template, quickly deploy it into new drafts, and customize it for the clients.

They don't have to worry about what to write or spend time remembering what worked last time because everything is already in the template.

And the good news is that these templates are versatile. If a freelancer discovers a better call-to-action for the pitch, they can go back and edit the template easily.

In this blog post, we will show you how to create your own Notion templates and make the best use of them. The content pivots around freelancers but it can be extrapolated to any business or industry.

Here are three steps to creating a Notion template:

1. Create content for the Notion template.

It is important to brainstorm the content for the template. You will use it time and again, and having to modify it in every instance is time-consuming and frustrating. Even though Notion lets you update templates, you can maximize efficiency by covering everything in the first go.

For instance, freelance designers should emphasize their experience and what sets them apart in their proposals. They should test a few versions of their proposal at first and choose the draft that received the most positive responses.

The freelancer also needs to share their Notion portfolio aligning with the client's industry in order to increase their chances of receiving a response.

Alright, now that the content is ready, let's turn it into a template.

2. Add a Notion template button block

In order to set up a template, you first need to place your content in a new Notion page. A Freelance designer, for example, has this pitch ready.


The bold text highlights the points where the freelancer can customize the pitch.

Next, add a template block by typing in /button.

how to create a template in notion 1.jpeg