How to use & customize the Supply Template

  1. Duplicate this Notion template to your own Notion workspace.

  2. Create a Super site, using your new page as the Notion URL, Learn how here.

  3. Duplicate the Supply theme to your Super account here.

  4. Open your site, go to the Design page and apply the ‘Supply’ theme we just duplicated

  5. Go into the Code page and paste the following into the Head tab:

    <script src="<>"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<>">
  6. You can customize your site further by:

    1. Going into the Navbar page and adding a navigation bar
    2. Going into the *Footer *****page and adding a footer
    3. Going into the Design page and modifying the theme settings, or even creating a new theme entirely
  7. To change the Gumroad links, simply swap the 5 digit product ID in the url property on the database items

  8. Notion pages will be hidden by default, you can re-enable them in the Theme > Layout page.

More options

Enable light/dark mode toggle

Set dark mode as default

Make your logo change with dark mode