Notion is a flexible app that can be used for many tasks, but it can also be used to create simple and effective websites

Use Notion as a CMS

Turn your content on Notion into sleek, SEO-optimized webpages with Super. This article outlines seven steps for using Notion as an effective CMS (content management system) for website publishing. We will go beyond Notion’s built-in CMS features to craft a branded site that stands out in the sea of sites that look like versions of each other.

Is Notion a CMS?

Notion is a powerful content management system (CMS) that helps you store, organize, and retrieve content seamlessly. While it lets you publish content as a bundle of webpages, it offers limited customization options. You can’t style the page the way you want nor add preferred themes, colors, or fonts. But you need not worry about that if you use Super.

Super offers flexibility with design. You can choose how your visitors see and perceive your brand without compromising page load speed and SEO. Super fills the gap that Notion lacks as a basic CMS.

How to use Notion as a CMS

How to use Notion as a CMS

Here are 7 steps to using Notion as a CMS:

1. Pick a Superb template

Setting up a website on Notion is easy. But the experience your visitors get is not - Super.

Notion lets you create basic sites without coding. But a CMS should do more than that. It should help your website be on brand, look appealing, and yet load fast.

Super takes care of it all.

It boasts a repository of 40 Notion website templates, ready for you to pick and customize. You will find templates for all your needs - from creating a professional resume to a buzzing eCommerce store.


You can preview any template to see how different pages look and how well they render on your laptop and mobile screens. Select the one that aligns with your taste.

Next, duplicate the template to your own Notion workspace by following the instructions inside each template preview site.

The custom template demo website

The custom template demo website

Inside the template instructions will be a link to the Notion template, once you open it you can choose to duplicate a copy to your own Notion workspace.

The custom template inside Notion

The custom template inside Notion

Now we successfully duplicated the Ascent template to our own Notion workspace. Now you are all set to create your home page.
